Pittsburgh Steelers Week 5 Preview

By: advancedfootballstats.com | 2023-10-04


Well, Steelers Nation, it’s time to dust off the disappointment from last week’s 6-30 loss to the Houston Texans and turn our attention to the upcoming challenges. The Steelers’ performance in Week 4 left much to be desired, and as we gear up for Week 5, it’s crucial to analyze how our stats stack up and what we need to improve. Spoiler alert: there’s a lot of room for improvement, but hey, that’s why we play the games, right?

Power Ranking

After the humbling defeat, our power ranking has taken a hit, landing us at a disheartening 19th place with a win rate of just 48.0% against a median opponent. It’s a stark reminder that we’re currently in the bottom half of the league, and we need to channel our inner Rocky Balboa to rise back up. The good news? There’s only one way to go from here, and that’s up! If we can put together a strong performance in the coming weeks, we can claw our way back into contention.

Overall Drive Efficiency

Our overall drive efficiency is sitting at a woeful 27th place out of 32 teams. Yikes! That’s like being the last kid picked for dodgeball. Last week, we struggled to move the ball effectively, managing only 225 yards while the Texans racked up a whopping 451. If we want to turn this ship around, we need to find ways to sustain drives and keep our defense off the field. It’s time to channel our inner drive efficiency gurus and start converting those third downs!

Defensive Drive Efficiency

On the defensive side, we find ourselves ranked 22nd in defensive drive efficiency. This means that opposing offenses are having a field day against us, and we need to tighten our grip. The Texans were able to march down the field at will last week, and that’s simply unacceptable. Our defense has the talent; it’s just a matter of execution. We need to step up, make tackles, and force our opponents into long-yardage situations.

Offensive Drive Efficiency

Our offensive drive efficiency isn’t much better, sitting at 26th in the league. We’re struggling to find rhythm and consistency, and that’s evident in our inability to score. Last week’s performance was a perfect storm of missed opportunities and turnovers, and it’s clear we need to find a way to get our playmakers involved. Whether it’s through the air or on the ground, we need to be more creative and aggressive in our approach to moving the chains.

Defensive Turnover Efficiency

Now, here’s a silver lining: our defensive turnover efficiency is ranked 4th in the league. While we’re struggling in other areas, our ability to generate turnovers is a bright spot. If we can capitalize on this strength, we might just turn the tide in our favor. Creating turnovers can change the momentum of a game, and we need to leverage this statistic to our advantage in the upcoming matchups.

Offensive Turnover Efficiency

Unfortunately, our offensive turnover efficiency tells a different story, ranking 24th. With one turnover last week, we’re not exactly setting the world on fire. If we want to have any chance of success, we need to protect the ball like it’s the last piece of pizza at a party. Ball security has to be our mantra moving forward, and we need to ensure that we’re making smart decisions with the football.

Drive Time

Our drive time is ranked 8th in the league, which is a bit of a paradox. On one hand, we’re taking our sweet time moving down the field, but on the other hand, we’re not actually scoring. It’s like being on a road trip with no destination in mind. We need to find a balance between taking time off the clock and being efficient with our drives. If we can speed things up while maintaining possession, we might just find ourselves in a better position to score.

Preview For Next Week

Looking ahead to Week 5, we’ll be facing the Baltimore Ravens, who are favored by 4.5 points. The simulations predict a final score of 21-13 in favor of the Ravens, giving us a 37.43% chance of pulling off the upset. The Ravens are no slouches; they come in with a solid offensive and defensive unit, so we’ll need to bring our A-game. If we can shore up our offensive efficiency and capitalize on our defensive strengths, we might just surprise some folks.


In conclusion, Steelers Nation, it’s time to rally together and focus on the task at hand. We’ve got the talent, we just need to execute. Let’s learn from our Week 4 missteps and come out swinging in Week 5. With a little determination and a lot of hard work, we can turn this season around.

Stay tuned to advancedfootballstats.com for more data-driven insights and analysis as we continue to follow the Pittsburgh Steelers' journey throughout the 2023 NFL season.