Las Vegas Raiders Week 12 Preview

By: | 2023-11-22


The Las Vegas Raiders faced off against the Miami Dolphins in Week 11, and let's just say it was a classic case of "what could have been." With a final score of 20-13, the Raiders fell short yet again, leaving fans wondering if there’s a light at the end of the tunnel or just another train coming. As we gear up for Week 12, let's dive into the stats from last week and see how the Raiders stack up against their previous performance. Spoiler alert: it's not looking great, but there's always hope in the world of football!

Power Ranking

In the latest power rankings, the Raiders find themselves languishing at a disheartening 28th place, with a win rate of just 40.0% against a median opponent. This is a slight drop from their previous ranking, as the team continues to struggle in the face of tough competition. It's like trying to climb a mountain with a boulder strapped to your back! The silver lining? There's nowhere to go but up, and with some adjustments, the Raiders could find themselves clawing back into the upper half of the league.

Overall Drive Efficiency

When it comes to overall drive efficiency, the Raiders are sitting at a disappointing 25th in the league. This is a slight dip from last week, and it highlights the team's ongoing struggles to convert drives into points. With only 296 yards gained against the Dolphins, it’s clear that the offense needs to step up its game. The Raiders have been more effective at moving the ball in the past, so it’s time to dust off those playbooks and find a way to keep the chains moving.

Defensive Drive Efficiency

Defensively, the Raiders rank 22nd in drive efficiency, which is a slight improvement from last week. However, allowing 422 yards to the Dolphins is a glaring issue that needs addressing. The defense needs to tighten up and find a way to disrupt opposing offenses. It’s like trying to keep a leaky boat afloat; if you don’t patch those holes, you’re going to sink. The Raiders need to find a way to limit those long drives and force more three-and-outs if they want to turn the tide.

Offensive Drive Efficiency

On the offensive side, the Raiders are ranked 21st in drive efficiency, which is a slight improvement from the previous week. However, the team needs to find a way to be more productive with their possessions. With three turnovers against the Dolphins, it’s clear that ball security is a major concern. The Raiders need to focus on executing plays and avoiding costly mistakes if they want to see a turnaround in their offensive output. Remember, folks, you can’t win games if you keep giving the ball away like it’s Halloween candy!

Defensive Turnover Efficiency

The Raiders' defensive turnover efficiency ranks 21st in the league, which is a slight improvement. However, generating turnovers is crucial for giving the offense more opportunities to score. The defense needs to channel its inner ball hawk and start making plays. After all, every turnover is a chance to flip the momentum, and the Raiders could use a few more of those to get back on track.

Offensive Turnover Efficiency

Unfortunately, the Raiders are not faring any better in offensive turnover efficiency, where they sit at 26th in the league. With three turnovers last week, it’s clear that the offense is struggling to maintain possession. If the Raiders want to have any chance of success, they need to clean up their act and protect the ball. After all, if you can’t hold on to the football, you can’t score points, and that’s a recipe for disaster!

Drive Time

The Raiders rank 27th in drive time, which indicates that they’re taking longer than average to move the ball down the field. While some teams thrive on methodical drives, the Raiders need to find a balance between efficiency and urgency. Taking too long can lead to missed opportunities, especially when the clock is running down. It’s time for the Raiders to pick up the pace and make the most of their drives if they want to see better results on the scoreboard.

Preview For Next Week

Looking ahead to Week 12, the Raiders will face off against the Kansas City Chiefs, who are favored by 9.5 points. The Chiefs are a formidable opponent, boasting a solid offensive drive efficiency ranking of 1st in the league. The simulations predict that the Raiders will score 13 points while the Chiefs will score 23, giving the Raiders a mere 25.3% chance of victory. If the Raiders want to pull off an upset, they’ll need to tighten up on defense, avoid turnovers, and find a way to score more than a baker’s dozen. It’s a tall order, but stranger things have happened in the NFL!


The Raiders have a long road ahead, but with some adjustments and a little luck, they can turn their season around. As they prepare to take on the Chiefs, it’s crucial for the team to focus on execution, ball security, and defensive stops. After all, every game is a new opportunity, and who knows? Maybe this week will be the one that turns the tide for the Silver and Black.

Stay tuned to for more data-driven insights and analysis as we continue to follow the Las Vegas Raiders' journey throughout the 2023 NFL season.